Гарантия: 1 год
Габариты: 3100х2400х1200 мм
Транспортные габариты: 1500х1300х800 мм
Конструкционный вес: 122 кг
Количество колёс: 4
Количество зубьев: 4х32 шт
Рабочая скорость ворошения: 6-12 км/ч
Рабочая скорость сгребания: 6-8,5 км/ч
1450 Br
Картофелесажалка СТ218 к минитрактору
Торговая марка: Kerland | Керланд
Производство: Беларусь
Агрегатируется с минитракторами: Одноточечной/трёхточечной гидравликой, Беларус 132Н
Габаритные размеры: 2000х700х940 мм
Ширина междурядья: 600 мм
Вместимость бункера 120 л
Общая масса: 102 ...
2195 Br
Косилка роторная, задненавесная Кентавр КРЗ-Т1
Торговая марка: Кентавр
Страна-производитель: Беларусь
Гарантия: 1 год
Габариты: 480×1690×590 мм
Конструкционный вес: 55 кг
Тип привода: От ремня
Ширина захвата: 850 мм
Количество ножей: 4х2 шт
1850 Br1 pcs.
Трактор Кентавр Т-654С Generation II
Мощность: 50 л. с.
Колесная формула: 4 х 4
Тип привода от ДВС к КПП: Прямой
Ширина колеи: 1200-1500 мм
Частота вращения ВОМа: 540/1000 об/мин
Количество цилиндров: 4
Тип двигателя: Дизельный
49900 Br
Трактор Кентавр Т-254C
Мощность: 24 л. с.
Колесная формула: 4 х 4
Тип привода от ДВС к КПП: Прямой
Ширина колеи: 1200-1500 мм
Частота вращения ВОМа: 540/720 об/мин
Количество цилиндров: 3
Тип двигателя: Дизельный
Количество передач: 8 вперёд, 2 назад
39900 Br
Прицеп Kerland П-2000/1 к мини-трактору (самосвальный)
Торговая марка: Kerland | Керланд
Страна-производитель: Польша-Беларусь
Габариты: 2950×1280×1030 мм
Транспортные габариты: 2870×1300×500 мм
Размеры кузова: 1940×1140×380 мм
Конструкционный вес: 210 кг
Тип прицепа: Самосвальный
Толщина бортов...
The staff is nice and helpful. Many thanks to manager Anna and technical specialist Ivan. We consulted, conducted a test drive and helped to choose a mini tractor for personal use. We delivered the selected product promptly and on time.
A little bit about the product: a mini tractor and a little later a purchased soil milling cutter. The tractor is assembled directly by technical specialists (workers) of the Kronos company from imported components. Upon delivery of the tractor and in the instructions for it, it is indicated that it is required to pull the bolted connections after purchase and subsequent monitoring of them, since the engine is without cushions and vibrates strongly. Therefore, the purchase of a new tractor was greatly overshadowed by such a moment: 15% of the bolted connections were not tightened at all, but only baited. I understand that periodic pulling of bolted joints is required, but not clamping or tightening the nuts at all is overkill. Therefore, the entire pleasant impression of the Kronos company is greatly reduced due to the negligent attitude of the working staff (not office staff) to their work.
The purchased soil milling cutter is the height of disappointment. She's not worth the money they're asking for her at all. Dear Kronos team! To sell such badly manufactured components is a complete disrespect to your Customers.
See original · Русский
Артём Т.
Level 2 Local Expert
March 23, 2023
It's been two months since I bought the Centaur T-24 Pro. Before that, I had a Grof 2016 tillerblock. I had enough, but I inherited a piece of land, it became too hard to work with one tillerblock. Why Grof, because in general he is satisfied with the tillerblock, worked on it for 4 years. It was not possible to run the tractor normally yet, but I carried half a ton of logs with a trailer, cleaned the snow, tried with a plow, but the ground is frozen, slips, stockings are sloppy, but what can I say here, I took it whenever possible, it's the cheapest, it's enough for me. It is assembled normally, there is enough power, there are no questions about the engine at all, nothing leaked, the breather sometimes only squeezes out the oil. There is not enough blocking, but the whole box will be. Let's see how he shows himself in the spring. I liked the store's service, thanks to the manager Anna, a competent specialist, polite, consulted on all issues.
See original · Русский
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Алексей К.
Level 2 Local Expert
February 14, 2023
For a long time I doubted whether to buy or not. For me, China is China, I was aiming to buy only MTZ. But I was persuaded, a friend is engaged in farming, he has a 254 shifeng - he is going to buy a second one if they give him more land. He is happy with it, he has not failed a single breakdown. There were nuances, but it was the little things. I have hands from where I need them, and any technique in the process of work needs attention. I bought it in general, the lizink was also available, now I've heard and it's not easy to get into it. I have already worked for 2 years. I must say right away, I didn't like that it made a lot of noise, but I immediately changed all the fluids and began to work quieter. The front axle is powerful, it worked on all-wheel drive even at low speeds, and it is hardy. The consumption is relatively small, about three hundred grams per hour I get. I worked with an escalator, a plow cutter and a mower, planted and dug potatoes. What have I not done to them? The oil seal leaked a little, the fuse burned out a couple of times, but there were no such serious breakdowns. There was no need to call the guarantors. However, vservice called a couple of times. Thanks to the guys for their help and for the good technique.