Фасады и корпус: МДФ 22 мм + ПП (экошпон) + Лак. Фурнитура: Hettich + шариковые направляющие Quadro. Размеры: 1514х638х466 мм. По центру 1 полка и выдвижной ящик с системой самозакрывания.
1060 Br
Тумба прикроватная Т1-60 ПАТРИЦИЯ Классик
Фасады и корпус: МДФ 22мм+ПП(экошпон)+Лак. Фурнитура: Hettich+шариковые направляющие Quadro. Размеры: 642х638х466 мм Описание: Прикроватная тумбочка для вашей классической спальни. Снизу ящик на шариковых направляющими глубиной 350 мм, сверху полка.
Для изготовления фасадов и корпуса используется профиль МДФ толщиной 22мм и полипропиленовая пленка (экошпон). Фасады и декоративные элементы без нанесения патины и лака. Размеры: Длина 466мм, Высота 1039мм, Ширина 1514мм.
1023 Br
К3-150 Патриция Классик
Фасады и корпус: МДФ 22мм+ПП(экошпон)+Лак.Внутренняя часть: ЛДСП 16мм.Фурнитура: Hettich+шариковые направляющие Quadro. Размеры: 1514х1039х466мм Описание: Глухие боковые стенки, полки из ЛДСП, передние фасады со стеклом, 2 шуфляды и 2 ниши.
1231 Br
Кни жный шкаф ШП1-100 Патриция Лайт
Материал:Фасады, корпус: МДФ (22мм), ПП, эмаль (лепнина). Внутренние перегородки: ЛДСП, меламиновая кромка. Размеры:Ширина:1136мм Высота:2100мм Глубина:495мм. Книжный шкаф доступен для заказа в двух цветах: ПП Бьянко и ПП Ванильный.
1314 Br
Материал:Фасады: МДФ толщиной 19мм+смарт-фойл польской фирмы Pfleiderer. Боковые части: ЛДСП толщиной 16мм+смарт-фойл Внутренняя часть: ЛДСП толщиной 16мм. Размеры:Ширина:1092мм Высота:2010мм Глубина:475мм.
1374 Br
Кухня из МДФ
Фасад МДФ Трент Селадон. Столешница Туя 38 мм. Фурнитура Hettich. Багет Б-10 Селадон. Врезной профиль с LED подсветкой.
For a long time I have been selecting a company engaged in the manufacture of kitchens and now I have found a CALL in Bobruisk, this is really a very professional approach from A to Z (starting with measurement and ending with installation) everything is clear, on time. Many thanks to the manager Alena, and thanks a lot to the installation wizard Alexander, the guys are really just the ass of their business. And my advice is, do not waste time contacting different individual entrepreneurs of the company in this area, so as not to get disappointed (I have already encountered this). A CALL is better than a dream!!!!!!
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Светлана Ермолович
Level 3 Local Expert
January 12, 2024
Good morning.
I want to leave my feedback about our equipment, which we ordered from the company ZOV, Bobruisk branch.
To begin with, I have been dreaming about a new kitchen for quite a long time and periodically looked at various options. Mom's forge has been CALLING for 8 years and there have been no complaints during this time. Mom likes her very much.
And so in 2023, we decided that it was time to fulfill my dream and order a kitchen.
We contacted several companies to make a preliminary calculation.
But somehow everything did not work out: either the material was not the right one, or the price was too high.
They turned to the cook's CALL. And here everything happened "for love", so to speak.
Designer Natalia immediately suggested and drew a project that I liked. Then we thought a little and decided that we would order the kitchen here.
Designer Natalia made several calculation options for us, suggested how to make it more functional, and showed it on the example of those kitchens that are in their salon. At what points can you save money, and where it is not necessary to do so.
During the measurement, we were given recommendations where to move the sockets, where to install new ones, what to do to hide the gas pipe.
We went to the salon more than once, and also took samples of materials to pick up other furniture elements for our kitchen.
The kitchen was made before the deadline specified in the contract. The designer contacted us and we chose the day when the collector will come to us. It took two days to assemble the kitchen.
The collector arrived at the appointed time.
The work of the collector is done "perfectly" - professionally!
And for more than two months now, I have been using a new kitchen and I am happy every day.
Everything is convenient, practical and functional!
I would like to express my gratitude for the work done to everyone who took part in our project - you are professionals!
I am very glad for our mutually beneficial cooperation!
Good luck and prosperity to you!
I wish everyone had their own favorite kitchen CALL!
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Екатерина Казачкова
Level 2 Local Expert
October 11, 2023
Many thanks to the company "Kitchen CALL" Everything is done on time and efficiently. The advice of professionals on the selection of colors and materials helped a lot. Everything was installed professionally. I recommend it to everyone.