Большой бар, в нем спокойно, просторно, тихо.
Обслуживание хорошее.
Один из работников - очень грубый и гомофоб. Мы с друзьями просто сидели и по пьяни обнимались, даже не целовались, ничего "непотребного" не делали, но этот мужик подошёл, нагрубил, потребовал рассесться. Не знаю, как зовут. Крупный мужчина, когда уходили вчера минут за 30 до закрытия - стоял на гардеробе.
Big bar, it's calm, spacious, silent.
The service overall is good.
One of the workers is very rude and homophobic.
My friends and I were just sitting there, drunk, hugging, not even kissing, nothing that could make anyone uncomfortable, technically I wouldn't even say it was gay, just friendly, but this guy came up, and rudely demanded to sit apart. I dunno what his name was. A big man, when yesterday we were going out 30 mins before closing he was at the wardrobe.
Александра Перелехова
Level 5 Local Expert
February 28, 2024
It's an interesting place. Friendly staff) Clean toilet 😅 Delicious food and drinks) Karaoke is great, DJ is well done 😊 Thank you for the good service 🔥
See original · Русский
Level 18 Local Expert
January 9, 2023
I arrived in Bishkek very early and couldn't check into the hotel earlier. I came to this place at 6 a.m. to pass the time. I can't appreciate karaoke (it's already over at 6 a.m.), but the food and service are just great!!! I especially liked the interior and the friendly staff..