They try to scam foreign students out of every penny they can. Go to another university if you can or avoid paying in full in case you need to leave Belarus or some emergency happens. The people running this place are a bunch of con-artists using the loopholes in the onerous massive contract you sign as a student to hold and often keep your money.
Do not trust their administrative people.
Гилсон Да Силва
Level 3 Local Expert
May 21, 2024
One of the biggest language universities in the world 🌍. Great place and you will be in touch with people from over the world. Be ready to make new friends and live new experiences. Добро пожаловать в Беларусь, добро пожаловать в МГЛУ!!!
Ксения Титович
Level 3 Local Expert
July 11, 2024
Specifically about the German language faculty, I can say that the way they will pull you into basic knowledge there and help you develop in the language, they will not teach you this anywhere else! I graduated from this university, now I work directly with German and in German.I'm sending my sister there this year to study English.Regarding the scoop program, etc., I disagree, because our teachers have always done everything possible to diversify the program, videos, auditions, texts from authentic publications.Everyone who wanted to, those who learned the language at a decent level, who did not want to get their 4.5 and thanks for that) The university also provides excellent opportunities for socialization, as many events and competitions are held.The guys who were active with us extended a really very busy student life.I am generally silent about draniki in Espiranto , who knows -he knows 😂and yes , you begin to understand and appreciate many moments after graduating from university 🫶