1. Очищение кожи
2. Обработка лосьоном-антисептиком
3. Введение мезококтейля аппаратом дермапен
4. Нанесение стерильной маски
5. Нанесение мезогеля
5. Нанесение крема с SPF
Курс - от 5 процедур.
Промежуток между процедурами 10-14 дней.
110 ₽
Карбокситерапия+массаж лица
90 ₽
Бакнетная программа "Облако Афродиты" с пенной маской (+массаж лица)
85 ₽
Неинвазивная Карбокситерапия - Это насыщение кожи кислородом, но без уколов. Это метод омоложения кожи без введения инъекций. Процедура основана на применении диоксида углерода и дает удивительные результаты. Является безопасной нетоксичной процедуро
Гель очищающий 5%, pH тоник 7%, миндальный/аминокислотный/азелаиновый/AHA-кислотный пилинг, бионейтрализатор, сыворотка по типу кожи, успокаивающая маска, крем по типу кожи ,крем-SPF.
Уход « Мгновенный лифтинг» на профессиональной косметике JEAN D`ARCEL, Германия.
Очищение, энзимный пилинг-пудра, тонизация, подтягивающая пептидная маска (альгинатная маска с эффектом ботокса), активно-восстанавливающий концентрат под ультразвуко
65 ₽
Массаж косметический (лицо, шея, декольте)
Массаж лица на профессиональной косметике JEAN D`ARCEL, Германия.
Очищение, глубокое очищение, тонизация, массаж на гиалуроновом креме, крем по типу кожи.
Дополнительная маска (кремовая/альгинатная) +7 BYN
I signed up at Mokko for a tip haircut, unfortunately, I get to such an incompetent master for the first time in my life, the service itself also leaves much to be desired.
First, the master tore out half of my hair while drying it with a hair dryer. No kidding, it was very painful, I had never experienced such self-mockery before.
Secondly, when the moment came to pay for the service, it turned out that payment via Apple Pay was not accepted in this salon, which no one notified me about, and then it turned out that no warnings were posted anywhere about this, to which the administrator began to justify herself, saying that this information is not for everyone, and in general, everyone carries physical cards with them (I have a virtual priorbank card, the physical version of which simply does not exist in this universe). I recommended at least posting a warning about this, since we live in such times that everything rolls over into a figure. Thus, I was put in a very uncomfortable position.
Thirdly, as it turned out only at home, of course, with a closer examination of the result, they cut my hair on top of everything else crookedly :)
So, after visiting this salon, we have: a spoiled mood, spoiled hair and 40 rubles thrown in the trash.
Thank you for your attention!
See original · Русский
J. Lapsa
Level 13 Local Expert
November 2, 2023
I really like the design of this salon, both internal and Instagram design, everything is very beautiful and stylish. But, here's a big trouble with the masters. I visited the salon twice during the year. The first time was recorded on eyelashes. We did it for a very long time 2d, more than 3 hours. The couch is uncomfortable, after 15 minutes the head and body begin to "burn" from the inconvenience. I've never lain on such hard couches. The second time I went for a haircut with washing and styling. Washed in two minutes, trimmed in 30 along with styling! The length of the hair was shoulder-length, I asked to cut it, not like the ends, but with gradation and layers, so that the bottom layer would not come out. At my request, the master asked "how is this?". I have my diploma of a hairdresser and work experience began to nervously bang my head against the wall. There was no styling from the word at all, the root zone was without volume. The hair was dried with a hair dryer arbitrarily without a brush. When I asked to straighten it on the iron, they curled the strands around my face with a hair dryer on the brush. I paid for a haircut with styling :) where there was only a word from the laying.
See original · Русский
Level 9 Local Expert
August 13, 2023
I come here often. All the masters are good. Especially the nail master does it very quickly and well.
I also liked the pedicure master.
They cut the children's hair there. Everything is normal too.
And next to the house, which is also very good.