стабилизирует голеностопный сустав и связочный аппарат стопы, обеспечивая уверенность в движении и покое
фиксирует область лодыжек, поддерживает и разгружает переднюю таранно-малоберцовую связку
ограничивает инверсию/эверсию голеностопного сустава
49.94 Br1 pcs.
Пояс медицинский эластичный "Польза", 9809
мягко фиксирует поясничную область
оказывает согревающее действие
обладает легкой степенью эластичной фиксации
создает оптимальный температурный баланс в области поясницы при работе в условиях холода и сырости
оказывает микромассажное действие
Terrible sales service. I came to get help choosing a compression knee brace, they didn't ask me for any suggestions, recommendations, convenient or inconvenient, they didn't ask or suggest anything at all. I chose solely based on my knowledge, which I do not have. In the end, I chose what the doctor said was bad.
Dear customer, before you buy something in the store, I recommend watching 5 videos on YouTube in order to understand this specific product at least a little. And the product is so-so from knitwear, the choice is poor, it would be better to buy it on Wb. If they had told me at least something in the store, I would have thought 100 times before buying, but because of the fuss, I bought the wrong thing.
By the way, this store has a 3.2 rating on Google maps. Yandex.Maps always increases the rating
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Наталия Анискович
Level 4 Local Expert
March 16
I bought a podpyatochnik as prescribed and recommended by a doctor, a large selection, a fairly convenient website, and many points of sale in Minsk. You can pay by card
See original · Русский
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Вася Рогов
Level 8 Local Expert
October 30, 2023
I bought an orthosis for the knee joint. The specialist measured the size of the knee, went to the fitting room, bought a suitable option. They will help, prompt. Everything is super. Health is priceless. I recommend