They position themselves as a store of completely identical copies that cannot be distinguished from the original. The question "Who is the manufacturer?" is answered briefly: China and they throw a photo of the box of the original watch, which, according to the serial number, beats as sold in September 2024. At the same time, the search engine finds a photo of the same box on olx. This is explained by the fact that the copies match the original so much that even the serial numbers are original. Of course, the question of the manufacturer and the reliability of the copy remains open, so I ask a question about certificates, without them it is impossible to legally import and sell the device, as well as the necessary information about the manufacturer is indicated in the certificate. But there will never be an answer to this question, instead of answering, they change the subject, continue to tell how good they are. OK, let's place an order and see the certificate upon receipt? No, leave your phone number, and the supervisor will contact you and answer your questions. Of course, there are no certificates of conformity there and never have been. I recommend avoiding it.