I bought Converse sneakers for myself and my wife from the Super Step shoe store. The seller assured me that these are original.Jul. Since I have another model of the same brand, I had a reference with which I could make a comparison. However, my Converse sneakers started to open at the heel after just two months of use. Also, their color has disappeared and they have become very pale, as if a cheap dye has been used. I get the feeling that I'm buying shoes that are not original. I do not recommend this store.
I bought Converse sneakers for myself and my spouse from the Super Step shoe store. The salesperson assured me that they were original. I already own another pair of shoes from the same brand, a different model, so I had something to compare them to. However, after just two months of use, the Converse sneakers started to separate at the heel. More importantly, they lost their color and became very dull, as if cheap paint had been used. I have a feeling that I was sold non-original shoes. I do not recommend this store.
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Level 23 Local Expert
October 20, 2024
It's affordable, but for some reason I don't prefer