PERFECT FIT™ Junior cодержит всё самое необходимое для здорового роста котёнка: важнейшие микро- и макро-элементы, такие, как кальций и фосфор, для укрепления костей, жирные кислоты класса Омега-3 для развития мозга и остроты зрения.
10.4 Br
Little One Лакомство "Витамин С" 180 гр.
Морские свинки, шиншиллы и другие домашние любимцы испытывают особую потребность в витамине С. Свинки не могут самостоятельно синтезировать витамин С, поэтому для них очень важно получать достаточноеколичество из пищи. “Витамин C” от Little One - ...
A small store, but we really like it) There is always something to choose from, the right food is also present. Here it is possible to get by weight those feeds that are sold in other networks only in packs. There are often promotions and the prices are pleasant. Friendly staff that you rarely meet. We had to move, but we still stop by this store, we really like it)
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baza 197918
Level 18 Local Expert
November 22, 2023
It seems like you go into the store seems to be a small room, but there are almost all pet products, prices are like everywhere else, the staff is responsive, will tell you if there is a problem with the choice!
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shpylia julia
Level 5 Local Expert
April 29
It is convenient that it is right next to the house. I would like a more expanded range of office supplies.