One of the best kebab places in the area, if not the only one, with delicious desserts. The prices are high, which is common for the area, but the desserts, such as Katmer and Kunefe, are spectacular and among the best in the city.
Unfortunately, for some reason, it is not possible to order only desserts as the waiters will say that this is a kebab restaurant and you must order kebabs as well.
Anyway, if you are looking for a cozy and delicious dining experience with an excellent menu in this area, this restaurant is highly recommended.
Oğuz Kılıç
Experto local nivel 4
Marzo 3
Herzaman ki gibi çok iyi istanbul ilk 3 üne girer👍
Yasemin S.
Experto local nivel 7
Diciembre 17, 2024
Birkac kez organizasyonlarimizi yaptik ortam cok rahat ve keyifli