Доставка грузов грузовыми автомобилями до 120 м3. Предоставляем требуемый тип транспорта: тенты, рефрижераторы , цельнометаллические фургоны, изотермические полуприцепы. Быстро и недорого. 100% гарантия сохранности груза по договору.
300 Br
Международный переезд. Перевозка личных вещей в другую страну
Переезжаете в другую страну и необходимо перевезти личные вещи? Международный переезд — одна из наших специализаций. https://t2b.by/index.php/uslugi/perevozka-veshchej-mezhdunarodnyj-pereezd/perevezti-veshchi-v-polshu
We have been working with TituBi for many years.
They never let you down, they are always in touch, clear and timely information at every stage of cooperation. Logisticians know their job and do it efficiently.
The company solves all kinds of tasks - they will deliver you a very small batch of cargo as part of the assembly and arrange transportation by several cars. One call to the manager - you set a task and you know that it will be solved while you go about your business. There has never been such a thing - "Sorry, our car broke down", "We were offered a higher price" or "We don't know where the driver is now."
If they take it, they will do it.
The market rates are adequate.
Good luck and prosperity!