It is clean, almost always empty - the influx of customers only before the holidays. Prices for the same range are cheaper not in the company store, which is strange. There is practically no queue at the checkout. Check the prices in the shops nearby for the assortment you like, the price in the company store can be very significantly Higher, much more expensive.
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Дарья Анатольевна
Level 7 Local Expert
March 7, 2020
Carefully read the composition of the cakes, maybe you will change your mind about spending a lot of money for those ingredients that are in the cakes.
Also pay attention to the ingredients in the candies with filling.
Sweets, Jelly, and chocolate without fillings or only with nuts are still popular, their composition does not frighten and the taste pleases. The store is clean, tidy, there are no queues at the cash desks.