I liked the idea and product of the company – the publication of scientific articles for major world publications. Such a company is unique for the Ukrainian market. A specialist who works in this company needs to constantly go beyond, improve, find creative ways to achieve results and create on a global scale. This is not an easy task, and because of this, many cannot reach their goal and go the distance: those who defended their dissertation and believe that they conquered Mount Everest, in fact, being only at its foot, leave those who do not believe in themselves and in the opportunity to create on the global market Those who are not used to leaving their comfort zone are leaving. Perhaps the management system has not yet been 100% debugged, but TOP managers are doing everything to improve it and make it as simple as possible: coming to the company six months ago, I see the tremendous changes that have occurred during this time - roles in the team have been redistributed, the mechanics of the workflow have been modernized, which directly affected the increase the speed and number of published manuscripts. The International Edition will give you the opportunity to realize your potential, provided that you are ready for new challenges and to work on yourself, ready to take responsibility for your activities and work for results – these are the rules of the game for large, ambitious and successful companies.
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Сергей М.
Level 2 Local Expert
July 13, 2016
A very promising company. It provides services that are quite rare and very relevant to the scientific world. You can count such organizations on your fingers throughout the former CIS (there are so few of them).
The atmosphere in the company is friendly. Corporate parties are often held, where informal communication between employees takes place.
The employees are mostly young boys and girls, a kind of symbiosis of creative personalities and intellectual intelligentsia. There are also more mature, respected and experienced personnel who enjoy authority among young people. All the staff are excellent specialists, they are able to work at an increased pace, they are well versed in various fields of knowledge, they are able to quickly adapt to a change in the pace of work, performing all the tasks set by the management clearly on time. Weak and insufficiently trained people in the company do not stay long. The best ones remain. Among the staff there are many scientists of various fields, some even write their own poems, scientific books, are fond of specific sciences (esotericism, yoga), there are even vegetarians. The girls in the company are beautiful and clever.
The management does not bother. The main thing is that the work plan is carried out, and everyone does what they need to do.
The work is very interesting. The company's clients are the scientific world (doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, academics), the intellectual elite of various countries. Working with such people, you become smarter, more experienced, more professional.
We often fly on business trips abroad (for managers, having a passport is mandatory).
Money is always paid on time. There are good bonuses for a job well done.
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Anonymous review
July 4, 2016
I publish a lot in foreign journals and came to the conclusion that correspondence with editors, translation is a separate, time—consuming job. Besides, it really happens that magazines respond only when you write to them several times. In addition, when accepting for publication, they are published much later than the promised deadline. As a researcher, I would rather spend the time that these troubles take up on preparing a new article.
The scientific service "International Editorial Office" uses modern work technologies: the author can track the state of affairs with his publication at any time, the staff work clearly and promptly.