Мелко рубленная вырезка говядины, заправленная устричным соусом. Подаём с корнишонами, красным луком, зёрнами американской горчицы и хрустящей чиабаттой.
32 Br205 g
Сырный Бургер
Булочка с нежной котлетой из говядины и хрустящей котлетой из сыра Cheddar, маринованным огурцом, свежим томатом, зелёными листьями салата и Special-Burger соусами. Подаём с картофелем фри с сыром Cheddar и соусом BBQ.
36 Br600 g
Нежные кусочки цыплёнка в хрустящей панировке. П одаём с золотистым картофелем фри с сыром Cheddar, соусами BBQ и White Special.
It's a wonderful place, and it's warm. We danced, won prizes in the competition, and had a delicious meal. Respect to everyone, and Santa Claus is a very groovy kid, and the receptionist is just a sweetheart, he charmed everyone with his hospitality, and the waiters are just focused on their work, agile and attentive, but the guy who met and saw off the guests is a separate respect. I've never been looked after like this before. Thank you so much for the warm welcome of the New Year 2025.
See original · Русский
Ольга Г.
Level 7 Local Expert
January 1
It's a great place. We came in for the first time while walking through the center of Minsk and saw a familiar name (there is a biker bar with the same name in Moscow) . The theme turned out to be different, but we were very satisfied. I really liked the attitude towards the guests and the atmosphere. We have already booked a table here in advance for the New Year celebration. And we can say that the reality has even exceeded our expectations. Everything was very fun, friendly and at the highest level. Great music groups, cheerful and helpful staff, delicious food, excellent alcohol. We had a great New Year. We will definitely visit this place again. I recommend it to everyone!