В составе гидроизоляции Пенетрон содержится специально подобранный цемент, кварцевый песок выверенной гранулометрии, запатентованные химические добавки.Смесь «Пенетрон» проникает в толщу бетона до 1 метра и «сливается» с ним.
87 Br5 kg
П енекрит
водонепроницаемый материал для гидроизоляции швов, трещин и примыканий в бетонных конструкциях при выполнении гидроизоляционных работ.
62 Br5 kg
Пенетрон Адмикс представляет собой сухой порошок, в основе которого находятся химически активные добавки. Материал добавляется в бетонную смесь во время ее замеса. Данный факт позволяет свести к минимуму зависимость от всевозможных климатических огра
We have a cellar, it is difficult to call it a basement, because it is 9m/2 of foundation blocks. Two walls in this cellar were constantly wet. To be honest, I didn't believe that some kind of putty would save me. A guy arrived. On the first day, he embroidered all the seams between the blocks and put Penecrit there, and on the second day, he coated all the walls with Penetron. After about 7 days, we looked at our cellar. Surprisingly, it was dry and so far there have been no problems.
Thank you.
See original · Русский
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Наталия Мулица
Level 2 Local Expert
June 5, 2024
A wonderful company! Thank you so much for the information about the materials, for the attentive attitude, for the delivery and subsequent interest in the completed works! Special thanks to Igor! From beginning to end....! Well done! Prosperity of the company!
See original · Русский
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Mishakov K
Level 9 Local Expert
May 17, 2024
I applied a year ago. The insulation of the basement was made with a penetron. I bought all the products here for both concrete and joints. The walls of the floor were wet. After processing, this spring showed that all the moisture has gone and no longer appears. Construction continues. I will contact you again. The sellers and performers made a great impression.