Dear administration of the clinic at Yunusabad branch! I ask you to make efforts to improve the service in your branch! It's just terrible... as already a regular customer, I am undergoing examinations by a gynecologist at the Chapanat branch, the nearest laboratory is yours.
First, put the bathroom in order. There are no conditions for a regular trip to the toilet, or for taking urine for analysis! And a lot of pregnant women come to you! There is no soap, no hot water either. This is the height of disorganization for a medical institution, especially a private one!
Secondly, for the third time I have witnessed how nurses/nurses sit in the laboratory (where everything should be super sterile) without medical gowns! They are sitting and staring at the phone screen. How do I make sure it's a medical staff at all? Not only do they not wash their hands before taking blood, but disposable gloves also save on patients who pay you a lot of money for tests!!! This is no good anymore.
Thirdly, at the next blood donation (coagulogram, biochemical analysis and protein analysis), the nurse took my blood, wrote everything down, cleaned it, I was already halfway home, they call me and call me back, they say there is one more analysis left! As far as I remember, with a huge list of tests, I have never donated blood from two hands at once. I had to go back and prick the second vein. What does it mean?
I ask you to do this immediately and correct such gross mistakes, because the service in your branch does not justify my costs and the quality of your patients' health in any way!!!