In the Fifth fleet of Kievgortrans, Gazelles 3221 of 1996, Russian with square headlights, stink very strongly of Gasoline. And here in the 6th fleet, at least they don't stink.
And the Mercedes 305 and 405 tuta buses are in very Good and very cool Condition, Especially the Mercedes-Benz O405 bus, which has had a Tail Number since 1985 to the present: 067815. That's all. You can find one on the photobus website and that's it. And he's like this White bus with the original Kiev Orange stripes. And everything. Until 1985, in Soviet times, pure yellow was used in Kiev, and from 1985 to the present, Kiev's More Modern bus Coloring has been used with White and orange stripes. For the tram, the Red-yellow color has always been and is now being used. Well, the White with orange stripes Kiev Coloring is always fashionable for Residents of Kiev and all residents of the former Soviet Ukraine. And she was so very fashionable in 1985 in the first Modern time that now she is still very fashionable for all residents of the former Soviet Ukraine. And Ukraine has not existed for 36 years now, instead there is a country whose name begins with the letter X and ends with the letter Y. And everything.
And in the fifth fleet, the Mercedes 305 and 405 Tama buses are a little in a dead state, but they drive with Volzhanin seats from 1995. and so buses were produced before 1980 and before 1990. And everything. And the Volzhanin Seats of Tama in these buses are actually standing from 1995 to the present. And everything. And here only the Soviet seats in the Mercedes 305 and 405 Buses are. And everything. Here is a photo of the original interior of the Mercedes O305 Bus serviced in the 6th fleet of Kievgortrans. That's all.