He studied at the Chernivtsi Railway College from 1959 to 1961, specializing in assistant locomotive engineer. He practiced at the Chernivtsi depot with machinist V. L. Chaika, deputy machinist Lastivka. After graduating from college, he worked at the depot Vysokogornaya DVZhD, Vorkuta Sev. Zh.D. Surgut Svrdl. zh.d. He finished his career as head of the locomotive service of the Northern Railway. After retiring, he continued to work at Gazprom OJSC, a subsidiary of Gazpromtrans LLC. Director of the Yamal branch, railway line Ob - Bovanenkovo - Karskaya. I always remember with gratitude the teachers of the school L. N. Zaslavsky, E. A. Tseitlin, Karagodin, R. V. Melamed, senior master F. F. Palka, master P. O. I. M. Patrin, the heads of the school B. Karyakin, B. Adamenko.