Яркое сочетание болгарского перчика с хрустящей морковью, свежим огурцом в тщательно подобранном миксе из трёх соусов, идеально дополняющих друг друга и ароматную курочку.
9 Br450 g
Сочный бифштекс из 100% говядины на свежей булочке, лук, маринованные огурцы, соус, немного кетчупа и вкуснейшего сыра.
6 Br200 g
Двойной Чизбургер
непревзойденное сочетание сочных говяжих котлет, нежных слайсов сыра чеддер и моцареллы, а также свежего хрустящего салата. Этот бургер станет настоящим удовольствием для ценителей и насыщенного вкуса, и сочной текстуры.
12.5 Br350 g
Маш Бургер
Нежное, мягкое сочетание грибов в соусе бешамель с карамелизированным луком, сочной курочкой в панировке щедро скрепляется сливочным грибным соусом с кружочком томата и сыром чеддер
9 Br270 g
Биф Ролл
Ароматный говяжий фарш, приготовленный в томатной пасте, дополненный хрустящей сладкой кукурузой и печеным болгарским перцем, с овощным салатом и авторским чесночным соусом.
The cafe is right at the bus station, the room is small and clean enough. There are two large round tables inside, although, as for me, it would be more convenient to have a small bar with a mirror near the wall (to drink coffee or wait for an order) and replace one table with two small ones for two.
We took two shawarma, mash and spring. We waited for about 15 minutes. They are given out in craft signed bags, 10 napkins and two toothpicks were given for two shawarma. The lavash was delicious and crunchy in the mash roll. But up to half of the shawarma consisted of cabbage, cucumbers and tons of sauce. Then it burst and flowed. In the middle, there were a couple of pieces of chicken with skin and a few mushrooms. At the end, cabbage and another ton of sauce without meat. I didn't finish it. Something went wrong with the cook, apparently. I don't want to repeat it yet(. I haven't tried Spring.
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Сергей Bear
Level 6 Local Expert
September 24, 2024
Let's start from the beginning ...
First, the price of rolls is standard even for the city of Minsk, for Columns I do not know, there is nothing to compare ...
The second service and accommodation - the ordered will be brought to you at a table, in branded packaging... However, there are only two tables in a small room, where quite a lot of people naturally come (the cafe is located inside the bus station). The girl is very polite)
Third, rolls are to your taste, for Minsk residents, somewhere in the middle of the rating, i.e. nothing special, something more, somewhere something less... In general, they are suitable for a quick snack.
Overall, the impression is on the strong four))... according to the five-point system)....
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Level 18 Local Expert
September 10, 2024
We were passing by and decided to stop by. A solid five. The place is clean, the menu is large. The rolls are delicious. There was no queue, but the order was prepared for 10-15 minutes. According to the impression, I will pass by nearby - I will stop by again.