I want to express my deep gratitude to the Ciavdar clinic for saving a Belgian malinois puppy girl who was torn when she was only 3 days old......we immediately turned to another doctor in the area where the stitches were placed and which after three days parted and the puppy was covered in pus.....this pus made the wounds even bigger and deeper......We arrived at Ciavdar.....we were taken urgently without waiting in line .....the operation lasted 3 hours......I can't tell you how the surgeon and his assistants did all this to a tiny little thing, but it was very jewelry, very competent and accurate ....thank you very much....you work wonders.....here is a video example of that, the little girl malinois has already grown up, very nimble and active ,she It's been two months now....thank you, thank you, thank you.... I recommend everyone to contact this clinic....
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Tatiana Raevschi
Level 2 Local Expert
May 22, 2022
Профессиональная клиника, особую благодарность хотелось бы выразить молодому специалисту Анне Кулачковой, которая быстро и профессионально спасла котика Марика, поступившего с острой проблемой мочевыводящих путей. Спасибо за самоотверженную преданность работе и профессионализм.
Отдельная благодарность от Оксаны Гольдфарб, так же, врачу Анне Кулачковой, спасшей ее умирающую питомицу Мяву, поступившей глубокой ночью с интоксикацией и острым кишечным застоем. Несмотря на крайне тяжелую процедуру, Анна спасла собачку, фактически, с того света. Оксана Гольдфарб сердечно благодарит врача Анну Кулачкову за спасенного питомца.