Булочка бриошь, котлета из мраморной говядины, лук, соус эми, огурцы с имбирем, монастырский сыр. Соус эми готовится на основе кунжутного масла, чеснока, шрирачи и кочхуджан
3800 ₸340 g
Chicken Burger Combo
Бургер, фри и напиток на выбор
4650 ₸980 g
Картофель фри без специй
Хрустящая и ароматная картошка
1100 ₸110 g
Картофель фри со специями
Хрустящяя и ароматная картошка с уникальным сочетанием приправ, приносящим неповторимый вкус
It was really good and tasty . The service was good, and the waiters were friendly
Show business's response
Madina Azizkhodjaeva
Level 12 Local Expert
March 3, 2024
Honey butter chicken 👌🏻 burger!!! Must try
Виктория Доготарь
Level 6 Local Expert
September 9, 2024
An amazing place, very stylish, delicious and beautiful. The waiters are bunnies, very attentive and polite) although the food is street food, I liked that they are very attentive to the taste preferences and characteristics of the body, offering to make this or that dish gluten-free, there is also a choice for vegetarians. Special love - gluten-free cheesecake)