If you want to spend time, money and stay guilty, this studio is for you. One of the worst studios in Minsk, in my opinion.
I liked the foreman and the manager in this studio, and the designer immediately raised doubts, but the manager assured me that he would cope.
The manager also assured that the studio has experience with sound insulation and ventilation - these are the first points of my TOR.
The designer did nothing for a week and blamed me for it.
He ignored my comments and suggestions, despite the fact that he basically redrawn my sketch of the plan.
I provided only 1 layout option.
I moved the kitchen to an uncomfortable place in the hallway, ignoring a lot of comments that this is not what I want.
It turned out that he had no experience with sound insulation: he tried to push that I didn't need it at all, and only after my insistent demands began to find out the dimensions to display on the plan.
I constantly made statements contradicting TK - I conclude that he either did not read it or did not understand it.
I didn't even find out what the repair budget was.
At the final call, the designer came with san again. the node that was rejected. My proposed version of the kitchen was redesigned so that it was pointless to discuss it.
In the end, he left, leaving the microphone on, and I heard his unflattering comments about me, after that I decided to end the collaboration.
Upon termination of the contract, they did not want to prescribe a refund period, I insisted and they returned the money on the very last day.
Instead of working, this studio ignores the client's requirements, turning the process into a conflict, and in the end demands payment for an unfinished project, as for a completed one. The manager said that it was not her business at all, and the studio was not a studio, but an individual entrepreneur.