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Кольца, цепи, брасле...
November 20, 11:45
Дарим вам 150 бонусов* по 17.11 (1 бонус=1рубль) на ВЕСЬ ассортимент.
Меняйте их на скидку до 35% стоимости покупк...
November 11, 09:46
Скидка недели на ЗОЛОТЫЕ ХИТЫ!
Всего 7 дней скидка от 40% на самые популярные золотые украшения по 10.11
Мы подготовили 90 самых ТОПовых п...
November 5, 15:05
All news (41)
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Серебряные серьги СБА20282
Серебряные серьги-капли - безусловный хит сезона! Довольно крупные и броские серьги на надёжном английском замке - украшение, которое привлекает к себе все взгляды. Поэтому серьги так быстро стали популярными, ведь их просто невозможно не заметить...
I really love this particular point, and I am very grateful for the help of the sellers with the trio. Everyone will always provide competent advice and help with the choice. I would like to express many thanks to Alina, who will always help, prompt, and help you choose the best option. Over the years, she has been helping quite competently and politely.
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Show business's response
Инесс Бровка
Level 5 Local Expert
August 18
I visited a couple of times, and all the time I got in line. I had to wait, and not a small amount of time, even with a small child in my arms. I ordered the product once, picked it up the second time. If I was alone with a small one on my hands, it wouldn't be very good. But my daughter helped, then she was with him, then I was with him. And I need air conditioners, when I was there, they weren't there. The room is very hot, especially when there are still a lot of people.
See original · Русский
Level 7 Local Expert
April 16
I really like both this store and the store on Dimitrov.A variety of silver and gold jewelry will satisfy any buyer.And the opportunity to exchange old jewelry for brand new ones, paying only for work, is difficult to overestimate.I used and was satisfied with the jewelry repair services.The only thing that upsets is that silverware is not repaired here.