Great place, the price is super. Cheaper than in the center. There is a playground for children. Terrace + hookah + alcohol. We often celebrate birthdays. There is a supermarket on the ground floor.on the second floor there is a computer and karaoke. One room. The price for karaoke is super 50 thousand soums. There is no such thing anywhere. And there's a billiard room in the basement
See original · Русский
Dilshod Otabekov
Level 5 Local Expert
November 15
Yangihayot tumanidagi eng eng eng yaxshi savdo majmuaslaridan biri, birinchi qavatdagi supermarketda doimo "svejiy" mahsulotlar bo'ladi. Sotuvchilari ham juda xushmuomala! Ikkinchi qavatda do'stlar bilan vaqt o'tkazish uchun kompyuter klub hamda fast food bor. Uchinchi qavatida esa bolalar maydonchasi haqida unchalik maqtagulik emas to'g'ri maydon katta lekin o'yinchoqlar birinchidan kam ikkinchidan buzuq. Lekin o'yingoh narxi boshqa joylarga qaraganda arzonroq. Torini qavatda terrazada esa shirin baliq tayyorlashadi. Katta ekran bor futbol ko'rsa bo'ladi!