Сейчас прохожу обучение. Все очень профессионально подобрали все необходимое для обучения. Выбрали программу и удобное время. Есть возможность обучаться на доп курсах что очень радует. Очень квалифицированные преподаватели, всегда дадут обратную связь, что очень важно.
Show business's response
Никита П.
Level 5 Local Expert
November 6, 2023
Think a thousand times before going to GeekBrains
Unfortunately, the developer acquired training in geekbrains. iOS for a year according to the version of this platform, the language does not turn to call it educational, it's 9 months of anything except the profile direction and 3 months of fluency in the profile.
Before buying and paying for the course, you need to choose the training time. I chose a weekday morning. If you are reading this, then remember - this is important.
The training is divided into blocks. Between the blocks, they take vacations, change the group, and as it turned out, the schedule of classes.
After the first block, I was not assigned to continue my studies at all. When I wrote in support, something sounded like "oh, and we ran out of space in groups, wait a month, we will enroll you in the nearest group weekdays EVENING." Such a schedule does not suit me, so they recorded it on the next weekday morning. At the same time, we will ask them to remind them in half a month) it's cool, but okay, I reminded them and continued my training.
After the next block, technical specialization came, I chose iOS development. And then the most interesting thing began. Suddenly, classes in a group that started more than a week ago appeared in the student's personal account. There have already been 3 lecture sessions and 3 seminars (the most useful of all). I wrote in support because it's not funny at all. They offered to wait a month or two, REMINDING me about myself in a month so that I would be enrolled in a group) and the most important thing: classes are held in the evening on weekdays, which does not suit me at all, I bought a course on the terms of classes on weekdays in the morning!
They answered me, we don't have such in technical specialization.
I advise everyone to think a thousand times before turning to the GeekBrains platform