We express our deep gratitude for the high professionalism, competent approach to treatment, patience and responsiveness to the head of the 2nd pulmonology department Tatyana Timofeevna Shebusheva and all the medical staff, from the patient Anna Alexandrovna Sedler and her parents.
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Алина Баранова
Level 2 Local Expert
February 24
We will talk not only about the hospital, but also about the dispensary.
In the tube dispensary (Working 24) they said that bc is, therefore they cannot diagnose and start treatment, that it is necessary to have an operation to establish a diagnosis, but even if there is something, they will cut it out and everything will be fine. No one said that I would be locked up there for 3 months !!!
They sent me to a tube hospital, put me in surgery for surgery. The medical staff there is wonderful, they are ready to carry you in their arms. Thank you very much, the star is only for you.
After the operation, 2 weeks later, they were transferred to the 500k, the department for the treatment of patients. The whole horror started there ! The attitude of the doctors is disgusting , there is no paid ward .The floor is mixed, women with men .The constant drunkenness of drunks , and some nurses and nurses do not lag behind them . Fights, screams even at night. It's a real nightmare when you can't go to the toilet at night, because a drunk convict can come out and do something to you.
With bk -, people with bk+ are being placed in your ward. Doctors avoid normal patients because we asked about discharge, but they lied to us and fed us breakfast. I have 3 bc-maternity leave ended in the hospital a month later, a small child at home who needs a mother, who needs to be supported for something, they answer me : -You can't go to the child, you can't work. And we can't help financially .
And do what you want, they all don't care. You can not go outside the hospital, only the buffet in which is 3 times more expensive than in stores. A woman , if you can call her that , with red hair is sitting at the entrance .She's a disgusting boor who will be rude to you, call you names, there's nothing. All patients are under one comb, if you have tuberculosis, then they have the right to think, talk, even shout at the whole about it.
It takes 3 months of hell there, then chemistry on an outpatient basis, every 2 weeks you come, take tests and get pills. Neither the hospital nor the dispensary pay much attention to your complaints. My complaints of leg pain, which appeared at the beginning of chemistry, were ignored for 3 months, until polyneuropathy developed against the background of taking the drug, and I could not step on my feet only with the help of loved ones, could not sleep and eat from this pain, tore my hair. And at the same time, they are running out of the drug "sertura", I am faced with a choice either you go to Minsk (to the RNPC)to continue treatment, either wait for the pills to be delivered and start the chemistry from the beginning (and I have 2 months of chemistry left), again there is a question, but what about a small child, you need to go to kindergarten and work, they said to solve your problems yourself, they say we gave you a choice. It's not right, it's not fair!!! When you promise a child that you won't leave him for so long anymore, and they lock you up again for
who knows how long in the hospital, but even further from home. Back in Minsk, they said that I should have had chemistry for 5.5 months instead of 9, but due to the fact that at the time of the appointment of treatment, they had little drug, and they decided at the VCC that I would get away with it anyway.
And when you call the hotline, this issue is immediately resolved . But they say that the pills are only for 2 weeks .And then go back to Minsk, as the drugs have run out. To the question when the supply will be adjusted , and this question will be solved , the answer is 1 . We don't know.
To the question, who knows? The answer is the same.We don't know.
Gomel blames Minsk for nowhere to complain, and Minsk for Gomel.
Where can I complain about this?!!!
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Светлана Андреева
Level 3 Local Expert
October 5, 2023
I want to express my gratitude to the rehabilitation department, especially the head. Gorbachovojvalentina Andreevna! All the med. personal smarties! The cleanliness of the department is sterile! The head selects the right complex of medicines, raises the dead to their feet!!!
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Варвара Руденок
Level 3 Local Expert
December 25, 2023
Low bow and huge thanks to Kuzmich Marat Valeryevich. Thank you very much, Doctor, for my brother Rudenok Vladimir Vasilyevich. No one helps him as much as you do. I am sister Rudenok V. V. Score 5.
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Татьяна Голод
Level 6 Local Expert
May 12, 2023
А я убедилась сама лично, отношение к пациентам отличное, что врачи, что мед. персонал, санитарочки. Все чисто, аккуратно, моего отца за три дня вернули к жизни. Спасибо огромнейшее и на сегодняшний день пульмонологическому отделению 2🙏Огромная благодарность за отца.Ирина Петровна Вам отдельное человеческое СПАСИБО.
Галина К.
Level 2 Local Expert
January 26, 2022
О информации. Справочная в такой большой должна быть нам не нужен диагноз-это можно оговорить с лечащим врачом Просто одно слово t,,АД
Трубки не берут Узнать о состоянии Больного не возможно Со всех городов звоним Было бы назначено время никто бы никого не отвлекал. Мы все понимаем Но жить в не ведении-это ужасно
Господи дай всем здоровья.
124783 Вороние
Level 2 Local Expert
May 12, 2021
Выражаем огромную благодарность доктору Кузьмичу Марату Валерьевичу!!!! Низкий поклон Вам, доктор!! С уважением, благодарные пациенты - Вороник Ирина и Фоменок Галина г. Светлогорск
Анна Г.
Level 4 Local Expert
July 6, 2020
Здание 30лет не видело ремонта. Розетки расшатаны, некоторые искрят, не у каждой кровати (не хватает), стены выкрашены когда-то очень давно и раздолбаны все. Потолок вообще сыпется на голову. Окна это единственное, что здесь поменяли не так давно, но шторы запрещены. В палате кроме тумбочки и кровати ничего нет. Нет шкафа!Один душ в отделении и то, только строго по расписанию с 8до 10:00 и с 18 до 22:00, а анализы сдают до 7:00.В туалет страшно войти. Двери такие!...И учитывая, что в отделении в основном мужчины,которые не просыхают, то мне страшно туда заходить. Для женщин условий нет.У меня особая диета и питание не всегда мне подходит, хоть и стараются.Но в целом это больничная еда,которой нормальный человек не может питаться год.А чтобы сходить в магазин, нужно пройти пост. Так вот, выход и вход запрещен на территорию, только если будешь слёзно проситься на пару минут выйти. Единственный положительный момент - это хороший персонал.
Anonymous review
December 1, 2022
Телефон регистратуры и справочной поменялся, но на сайте обновить информацию не судьба
Ольга С.
Level 2 Local Expert
June 2, 2021
На сайте написано все подробно. Но номера телефонов другие,и время работы тоже. Очень сложно записаться. Почему регистратратура работает с 9 часов. А на сайте написано с 8.00 и другие номера.