Very small. This is probably the only way to describe the format of this store, corner, island or something else or something. May the developers forgive me) The assortment is "the cat has cried", the prices seem to be set to the possibilities!
The score corresponds to what you saw!
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Гульназ Рамазанова
Level 5 Local Expert
August 16
The monotony of baking is starting to get boring. The price-quality is also tired. Rather, it is the quantity-sales-price. Nothing interesting has happened in the last year. It's time to step forward. There is often a remainder of unsold goods on display for all customers to show. It is already shrunken and does not correspond to the weight.
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Айгуль Е.
Level 6 Local Expert
June 9
Always delicious cakes and fast delivery
Thank you all