The product layout is very inconvenient – everything is scattered chaotically, it is extremely difficult to find something you need. Many goods are covered with dust or look substandard, as if they were opened or damaged during transportation. Many products lack price tags, which further complicates the selection process. The seller does not show any desire to help or advise, and the prices are clearly too high. It feels like the buyers aren't particularly important here. The experience is extremely unpleasant, and I don't want to go back.
See original · Русский
Светлана Цыганова
Level 18 Local Expert
February 19, 2024
It's better than nothing. People are trying. There are basic, trending positions available. There is also a delivery. But this is not IKEA, this is a store selling IKEA products.
See original · Русский
Левон Погосян
Level 8 Local Expert
October 28, 2023
The prices are of course space. It is 2 times more expensive than you would buy the same from Russia from resellers. But if you are a true connoisseur of IKEA and you want their products, then I have not seen any other stores in Armenia