He treated with lower back pain. During the consultation, the doctor began to impose a course of treatment from massages, physical therapy.procedures, etc. instead of having a normal manual therapy session and helping me, as is usually done in civilized centers. Doctors, as it turned out, are all former surgeons, without the education of a neurologist or a vertebrologist. I decided to stop for a consultation, because I realized that I was in the hands of non-professionals, I often meet with such a person in our country. Draw your own conclusions, such breeders are not responsible for the results of treatment.
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Level 2 Local Expert
August 31, 2016
The final! Having done "at random" / it is difficult to bring a card in five days /, correction and two massages, touch the kidneys, provoking paranephritis.The result is that I am urgently hospitalized. Negligence of doctors? Disregard for customers? It is the CUSTOMERS! Because they don't see PATIENTS in people, only a source of income! People, don't think that you will be patients for them! Only money! The conveyor!