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Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, installation of parking sensors, running gear repair, starter motor repairs, computer car diagnostics, car electrician repair, steering racks repairs, fuel injector cleaning, car alarm, gearbox repair, generator repairs, polish, repair injectors, repair of drive shafts
The appeal is a rumble when driving.
Naturally, suspension diagnostics.
To replace the silent blocks of the front levers. After removing the car from the lift, an electric power steering error surprisingly lit up. And the HUNDRED has nothing to do with it. The repair service said that most likely they lit the battery, there was a power surge. It is impossible to prove.
Yes, they forgot to install protection, I came again, fortunately they called and said they would not have known)
And most importantly, the hum did not disappear when driving. They said it was bad rubber (Nokia, Europe, the year is true 2013).
Then I found a metal plate in the tread, it made noise when driving, and a small backlash of the hub bearing.
The service station was chosen for convenience of location, the experience is sad, definitely not a foot here anymore. I do not recommend it
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Аляксей Бязручка
Level 8 Local Expert
December 11, 2024
I contacted this service with the problem of poor activation of the 1st gear.
After the diagnosis, the master decided to disassemble the car for a more detailed diagnosis. It was previously assumed that the synchronizer of the first transmission had failed. When writing a repair request (which they later safely lost), I clarified at the office whether they would remove the bumper and radiators when removing the box.I got the answer: "Yes, it's more convenient this way." Accordingly, I also indicated that it is necessary to replace the heat exchanger gaskets if they will disassemble the front of the car and drain the coolant.
After putting the car into repair, I asked the locksmith who will make my car, when removing the box, to call so that the box would be removed with me. But the locksmith safely ignored my request.And only after my call and clarification of what had already been done to repair my car, they said that the box had already been removed and the clutch disassembled. Arriving at the "service" I saw the following picture. My clutch is lying on the oil-stained floor. I also saw that a Valeo single-mass clutch was installed on my car and there were no external malfunctions of this clutch. I took photos and videos of my clutch kit and sent them to specialists from other services for consultation.They gave an unambiguous answer that the clutch is normal and only the release bearing needs to be replaced.Why didn't I contact another specialized service? Because the queue at other services is two weeks in advance, and since I have a commercial vehicle, I could not afford to stand and wait, which of course in the future I really regretted that I did not wait. With this service, I was asked to replace the clutch kit with a new, two-mass one.To my question: "Why do this if the clutch is in good condition, good company, certified for installation on my car?" I was given an answer: "It's just, what if there's something wrong with him?".So according to this logic, why repair the gearbox? We need to buy a new one. Having not received an adequate response, I decided to leave the old clutch, which is in good condition, and replace only the release bearing with a similar one from the same company Valeo. Although the "specialist" who repaired the gearbox told me that the bearing is in good condition.When disassembling the gearbox, it was revealed that the synchronizer of the 1st and 2nd gear was defective, the gear selector rod and the bearing fell apart when disassembling the gearbox. Not paying attention to this, I ordered all the necessary spare parts and waited for them. At that time, the second locksmith, who was disassembling the car, replaced the heat exchanger gaskets and after that my car was rolled out onto the street to free up the locksmith's workplace. But my spare parts, including the clutch, were lying near the lift on the floor soaked in oil and debris from car repairs. After waiting for all the spare parts, I brought them to the service and started assembling the box.It turned out that the original spare part did not fit and the most experienced locksmith was refining it.The same happened with the gear selection rod and bearing. I agreed, although they didn't even tell me the price for these works beforehand. This locksmith assembled the box, slowly rolled the car for assembly, assembled the car and the master made the car run-in.They called me and said I could pick up the car. When I arrived at the service, I was surprised by the figures indicated in the act of completed work.
It turns out that for the replacement of the heat exchanger gaskets, they billed 408 Belarusian rubles, I had a question for what is such a price? To which they replied that they were disassembling the front of the car to remove the gearbox.The price for this work is 680 rubles. It turns out not, they disassembled and removed the radiators in order to change the gaskets, and the gaskets cost 70 rubles, and the replacement on this "service" is 408 rubles. But that's not all. It turns out that it costs 68 rubles to drain and pour antifreeze, although this would have to be done when replacing the gaskets of the heat exchanger and logically is included in this type of work.
And even when removing the radiators to remove the gearbox, but no, the "experts" decided to count it that way. And now the most interesting part. It costs 350 rubles to disassemble and assemble the box, in the understanding of a normal person, this is disassembling the box into its parts and assembling with new ones.But no, again, the "experts" decided to install a new synchronizer for 140 rubles.The installed one did not fit. And the final paradox is that, again, for the amount of 350 rubles, the master had to disassemble and assemble the gearbox, and then there was a price of 70 rubles for installing the gear selection rod.Although it should be removed anyway for disassembly and cleaning of all components of the gearbox, they also decided to include in the bill the amount of 140 rubles for restoring the gear selection rod and allegedly a new shaft bought for 80 rubles.The previous one is not suitable, small.... As a result, instead of the previously agreed 1200 rubles, 1833.80 came out.... I didn't argue as I urgently needed a car.I did not immediately pay the entire amount in agreement with the management of the service. When I got on the public road, I noticed that my clutch was faulty.... It is stalling, the engine speed is rising, but the speed is not.... When I arrived back, I reported the problem, to which it was immediately said that my clutch was faulty and it was bad, we warned that it needed to be changed. Or allegedly I brought a bad release bearing and bad brake fluid.I explained that before the repair at your service, I had no problems with the clutch. I was told that the wrong clutch was installed on the car and we will not redo anything.I asked, before installing the clutch basket, whether the self-actuation mechanism was installed in the correct position, to which the deputy director told me that this should not be done.... But after calling 5 more services and making a request to the official dealer for the sale, repair and maintenance of cars, I was given the same answer from all. It does not matter if the clutch is single-mass or double-mass, when re-installing, it is necessary to cock the clutch basket. But this was not enough for the "experienced" deputy director of this service. I was told that they would redo it only at my expense. Of course, this option did not suit me. I have proposed various malfunction options, including that according to the gearbox repair regulations, the primary shaft seal must be replaced with a new one. To which the locksmith who was repairing my gearbox made round eyes and said that he did not know this.But during the 5 hours of the dispute, no one offered to drive the car onto the lift and at least check for leaks in the area of the box and clutch.After we did not find a compromise to solve this problem, I asked for a book of complaints and suggestions in order to describe this situation. To which Deputy Director Korchik D.N. told me: "I knew you were such a pi$aras." There is confirmation of this in the form of a recording of the conversation. The next day, the director of this service called me and we agreed that I would come to the service to continue solving issues and pay the missing amount. I arrived, paid, and then they started telling me that it turns out they didn't even remove the clutch)))) and they don't have to make a diagnosis.What the owner of the car told them, they do. After this service, I arrived at a normal service, in which they removed the gearbox and saw the following picture. The oil seal of the primary shaft was damaged when it was installed back, as a result of which oil flowed through it and, accordingly, the clutch skidded.At the bottom of the service, everything was done as it should be and in the shortest possible time after which the machine began to work as it should. In general, I do not advise anyone to go to this service. Communication at the office is boorish and they are not responsible for their work. And the most important cherry on the cake is that it was only after payment that I found out that the warranty for the repair of the gearbox does not apply because I left the old one in good condition (before the intervention of this service) the clutch.
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Сергей Рулинский .
Level 11 Local Expert
January 10
I liked the service, we worked quickly, accurately, efficiently, without prior appointment.
I recommend. Sometimes they have promotions and discounts for certain types of work.