Disgusting attitude towards customers. If there is a problem with furniture, whether it is solved or not, you can not count on their help and understanding, not only they will not advise a solution, but also they will express affectionate ones, simply because you have to take it, and if problems arise, keep silent and stay with unsuitable or damaged goods. Quote: "We don't care how much you bought from us, it doesn't matter, you need to think first, then take it, I don't have such problems, you need to turn on your brains." And this attitude is on New Year's Eve for a forced return, despite the fact that we ourselves took away and brought the furniture back on the same day. It seems that you take a thing on the market, and not in a "serious" company. At the same time, as far as I understand, both the cashier and the hostess of the department are rude. I wish you the same 2023, what attitude do you have towards your customers. We were going to contact them for custom furniture, which would exceed the cost of the returned goods three or four times, now we will contact another place where people know how to communicate in a human way. There are a lot of better, more profitable alternatives where they will meet you halfway and offer a more diverse range, I do not recommend contacting here, or doing it last. The table was previously sold second-hand, scratches were already noticed at home (who knows that the table was not damaged during transportation?) - no one complained to them, they accepted the table like this, now I understand that if they had complained, our family would have stopped coming to them back then.