Наудивление хороший магазинчик, хоть и не приметный. Все свежее, цены приемлемые, во дворе фрукты продают)
Санжар А.
Level 2 Local Expert
April 6, 2024
I wanted to go to the hostess at 5.30 pm, but it's closed. They said the owner left, he would come at 8 p.m. or half past seven, the sellers themselves do not know. And the lights are not on, although it says that it works until 10 pm. Let them change their working hours if they're stuck working into the night
Correction: entered on Saturday at 13.00, does not work
See original · Русский
Алексей Мирошниченко
Level 7 Local Expert
October 10, 2023
You won't always find what you need, but there are essential goods