You can forget about the non-medical medicine. Likari ta nurses are starann, ale for everything you need to pay, know how to take robiti at a private clinic in a row (sviy roentgenkabinet buv zakritiy), know how to pay, pay a fee, pay a fee in the terminal de treba mother's bank notes bo zdachi terminal , zvisno, do not give, that I know 5 grv for the payment skin procedures, and if you can boot i 2 i 5, and if you send a message to the phone, then you know what you're doing...the "feeder" is good. We went to the special organization of the child of the clan, we went to the state hospital, we went to the Chergovyj likar, we checked in the cherzi with a record, and people checked out the back of the head. Maybe it's a little bit of a joke. Another problem is parking... I'm not sure, the police are waiting for you, and if you ask to "sit down" properly, you will get a parking ticket not in the circled parking lot...Verdict - it's better to lead a child to a private clinic, to make it a little more expensive.