Приехал за конкретной вещью, для подарка. Мало того, что с парковкой огромная проблема, так ещё и магазин закрыт на обед, который нигде не указан. Сразу вспомнился деревенский магазин у бабушки, когда тебе дали пару копеек на газировку, а ты проклинаешь всё на свете, потому что у тети Веры обед 2 часа. Таких воспоминаний не возникло бы, если бы обед в этом мага зине, реально не составлял час. Специально позвонил по указанному телефону, думая, что это ошибка. Но нет же, она утвердительно ответила, что всё верно и, видимо, была не в восторге, что её вообще беспокоят. С таким отношением, могу пожелать Вам только удачи...
Марина Сычёва
Level 4 Local Expert
February 11
I bought a bag on 02/11/25 at a company store in Green City. This is my second purchase, the first was through Instagram. So, the seller is just terrible, with a displeased face, we refused her help. So after the refusal, she walked "on my heels" (this is very annoying, if she didn't urgently need a bag, she would have left without buying and would have bought online), as soon as I looked at the bag, she immediately nervously adjusted the display case. When making a purchase, I did not pay attention to a word, although I could give advice on how to care for the product. I'm not saying "thanks for the purchase" anymore. Conduct training with the staff, this is the face of the store.
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дарья шабрыкина
Level 3 Local Expert
June 26, 2024
The quality of the bags depends on the lot and your luck, in order to get the money back, you need to stand and convince the seller.
If the warranty has passed, your bag will be sent for maximum repair.
Crooked seams, I took my purse despite the seams, I just saw that there was a model that I wanted after, now they reproach me that you saw what you took.
For some bags, the treatment comes off after a couple of weeks.
Processing began to climb on my purse next to the strap, the seller began to justify that I had hit something, although after the impact not only the processing area would have suffered.
We did a great service by sending it for repair with the look as if I was demanding from the seller to send this purse somewhere at her expense.
In addition, dirt and color from clothes are very strongly embedded in the handbag, despite the processing, after which it all does not wash off the bag in any way