Очень долгое обслуживание. Часто ходим , еда вкусная , цены выше среднего и ожидание в среднем 40-50 минут, бывает больше
Very slowly service. We go often, the food is delicious, the prices are above average and the wait is on average 40-50 minutes, sometimes more
Александра Пушкарева
Level 7 Local Expert
March 10, 2024
Tasty food, good interior, maybe small problems with a lack of seats due to high demand and not fully thought-out armor (we booked a table, but still waited and eventually sat at the counter at the entrance)
Дмитрий Гинкул
Level 6 Local Expert
June 21, 2024
Amazing healthy tasty food and staff. Much recommended.