If you are interested in genuine leather bags, then I strongly advise you to visit the specified store. The fittings are magnificent, Italian, the models are diverse, the quality is excellent. These are not penny bags, such a bag will serve the owner for a long time. I choose my own handbags there from time to time. Good luck to everyone!
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Show business's response
Level 13 Local Expert
July 16, 2023
A good store. We often visit with my wife. The store is small, but on 2 levels, very cozy. The biggest value of this store is the staff. Very polite girls who always help with the choice. There is a choice, although it is not always possible to find the right accessory color (I assume due to the fact that the store is located on a busy street - models / colors are quickly sold out). There is a small parking lot behind the shopping center, but there have never been any problems parking a car, and if you drive a little, there is a large parking lot near the RTI.
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Show business's response
Level 5 Local Expert
November 29
I love this store, the selection of bags is huge. There are always discounts. Even children have fun there, there is a children's corner) Super consultants, unobtrusive and very responsive. Very friendly atmosphere in the store. We always leave with a purchase! Thank you very much for the pleasant emotions!