Документы, которые Вы отправляете нам о Вашем заболевании, а также все медицинские процедуры, которые Вы хотите пройти в Турции, отображаются в общем информационном портале, используемом нашими врачами, и их мнения о Вашем лечении учитываются.
100 ₺
Вас встретит в аэропорту наш ассистент, закрепленный за Вами. В соответствии с вашей программой лечения, Вы будете доставлены в отель. В неотложных случаях Вашего лечения, мы предоставляем Вам услугу скорой помощи.
100 ₺
Есть множество вариантов размещения во всех городах Турции. Когда приедете для получения лечебных услуг, Вам будет предложено размещение в качественных и центральных отелях.
У Вас будет возможность остановиться в роскошных больничных палатах или ...
I decided to thank the staff of Med Days for their assistance in selecting a clinic and treating my daughter. Anyuta has my cerebral palsy. We learned that in Turkey, good results are achieved in stem cell treatment. But if you do, you don't even know which clinic in Turkey to contact, and even the language barrier, and plane tickets, and accommodation. But there are no problems here, and even before arriving in Istanbul, we managed to arrange a free online consultation with a doctor. So far, we've gone for one procedure. The professor said there is a chance to restore motor functions. Thank you so much for such a service, I was very satisfied. Of the world. and the prosperity of your company.
See original · Русский
Денис Дурин
Level 2 Local Expert
December 20, 2024
If you are looking for an intermediary for treatment in Turkey, I recommend Med Days. When health problems arose, I had to contact this company. I was very satisfied with the services. He told me about his problems and wishes, sent the documents and waited for a response from them. A day later, several clinics and doctors specializing in my problem were offered. I chose what was closer in price. And it was possible to go for treatment. I bought the tickets myself, but the Bot manager helped me with the hotel. In Istanbul, a Bot met me at the airport and helped me check into the hotel. Transfer and support at the clinic for all 5 days. Doctors don't speak Russian, the Bot translated everything, collected statements and planned appointments so as to keep up as quickly as possible. In a situation when you are burdened by illness, you do not have the strength to do it yourself. So thank you so much for your help. I am still under the impression that such an escort in Turkey is free.
See original · Русский
Артëм Zvanko
Level 3 Local Expert
December 14, 2024
People familiar with my problem advised me to go to Turkey. In this center, they will select a clinic according to the diagnosis, and they will help with accommodation, and they will take over the purchase of tickets, and they will issue a policy. I searched the Internet.I came across the website of the company Med Days. A team of professionals works here.. Thank you so much that there are companies like this. It is very difficult to collect all the documents yourself, especially when there is a sore. Thanks to my friends, Sasha and Vlad, who picked up a good oncologist for me and quickly organized an appointment with him, we can say out of turn, I was saved. Thank you very much and God bless you.