адачи экспертизы:
определение причин (технических и организационных) протечки (залития);
определение причинной связи между авариями трубопроводов и протечками;
установление фактов несоответствий между правилами эксплуатации санитарно-технических
12000 ₽
экспертиза обуви и одежды
Исследование качественных показателей товара; выявление дефектов товара; определение причин, которые повлекли за собой возникновение дефектов; а также процента снижения качества, исходя из его состояния на момент исследования.
4000 ₽
оценка недвижимости
Оценка для вступление в наследство, раздел имущества , ипотека т.д
Assessment type:business, damage, real estate, property complexes, equipment and machinery, securities
Payment method:prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, cashless payment, online, Fast payment system
Score:business valuation, equipment cost estimation, transport assessment, real estate valuation, assessment of the cost of apartments, assessment of flood or fire damage, office real estate valuation, assessment of commercial real estate and commercial equipment, land valuation, valuation of warehouse real estate and industrial premises
Types of expertise:shoe expertise, land management expertise, judicial expertise, handwriting expertise, transport-trasological expertise, construction expertise, fire-technical expertise, expertise of engineering networks, merchandising expertise, computer technical expertise, examination of noise and background noise, veterinary expertise, furniture expertise, dental expertise, medical expertise, ecological expertise, linguistic expertise, portrait expertise, radiation expertise, mycological expertise, electrotechnical expertise, foundation expertise, psychological expertise, agronomic expertise, thermal imaging inspection of buildings and structures, forensic expertise, expertise of construction estimates, technical inspection of buildings and structures, expertise of construction projects, energy audit, psychiatric expertise, expertise of vibration and vibration background, expertise of household appliances, expertise of advertising products, construction geodesy expertise, roadway expertise, traceology, financial