It was created in 1845 In the present century. the largest unit of the municipal police of the United States. It traces its history back to 1625 from the first group of 8 watchmen. Almost every American movie has cops in it. some points that you may not have known about... Each state has its own independent police department, although the basic characteristics are about the same.. A US citizen from 21 to 35 years old, with no criminal record, who graduated from the police academy (6-9 months), preferably having served in the army, can become a policeman. Upon entering the service, the rank of officer is assigned, not that in our understanding, it is rather translated as an office worker, 90% retire in this rank. The service life is 20 years. A sergeant can be obtained after 3-5 years of service by writing a rather complex text on the topic of police work. Only 5% of applicants pass the exam. Lieutenant, Captain, detectives must have higher education. There are 12 ranks in the police. Husband and wife are forbidden to serve in the same department. If a policeman moves to another department, he starts all over again. The salary of $ 40,000 per year increases with the increase in seniority, processing is paid at 1.5 per hour. The racial makeup is 45.7% European,27.4% Hispanic,18.4%African American, 18% Asian.