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Вызов кардиолога на дом, Выезд терапевта на дом, Выезд невролога на дом, Выезд педиатра на дом.
85 Br1 pcs.
Стоимость услуг от 36BYN
Консультация, Колоноскопия под анестезией/ без наркоза, ЭГДС под анестезией (под общим наркозом) / без наркоза, УЗИ органов брюшной полости и почек, Тест на чувствительность хеликобактера (H.pylori) к кларитромицину.
Excellent center, prices are not low, but the service is excellent. Everything is clean, neat, and high-quality. The staff is very polite. The same doctors from the 1st clinical hospital in this center change beyond recognition and receive patients very carefully and sympathetically. I definitely recommend everyone to go only here, so that free hospitals are left without work and closed, and wonderful specialists can fully devote themselves to their favorite business within the walls of reputable centers, and not shabby state hospitals.
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Show business's response
Татьяна Тарасевич
Level 3 Local Expert
December 3, 2024
The Nordin Center is an opportunity to receive high-quality medical care for children and adults without queues and long waiting for an appointment. Over the years, my family and I have been periodically contacting the center's specialists on various issues. This time, my husband had an urgent need to see a cardiologist - on Friday evening we were able to make an appointment for Saturday, and we received advice from an excellent cardiologist-arrhythmologist Olga Kozich Yurievna. Many thanks to Olga Yurievna for the attentive attitude, high professionalism and psycho-therapeutic effect on the patient, which, without a doubt, had no less effect than drug treatment. The prescribed medications helped, and my husband felt much better tomorrow. It should be noted that the staff of the center is always attentive and polite and the prices for services are quite affordable, especially given the high level of quality of medical care.