Admission covered by compulsory medical insurance (OMS)
Preventive checkup
Doctor home visit
Clinical examination
COVID test
Parking for people with disabilities
Wheelchair accessibility:full access
Wheelchair accessible:Partially available
Colonoscopy price:4200 ₽
EGD price:3100 ₽
MRI price:3990 ₽
Fluoroscopy price:960 ₽
Clinic specialization:gynecology, endocrinology, surgery, mammology, ear nose and throat, dermatology, gastroenterology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, therapists, dentistry, men's health, psychology and psychiatry, traumatology, pulmonology, allergies, immunology, oncology, psychiatry, diagnostics, medical certificates, neurology, urology, obstetrics, family medicine
Payment method:discounts on services preferential categories, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment, QR code, payment by credit card
Certificates:exchange card, sick-list, medical examination, outpatient's card, drivers medical board, certification for employment, study, doctor's note for swimming, help for race, to work with state secrets, certificate for kindergarten