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20000 Br
Окна ПВХ
Заказывая окна ПВХ в нашей компании, клиент хотел получить качественные конструкции, которые будут защищать помещение от уличного шума и обеспечат высокую термоизоляцию в холодное время.
The company https://okna-ori.by / registered in the name of Igor Vyacheslavovich Shakhov.
Shakhov is an unscrupulous entrepreneur who will definitely find a reason to deceive you.:
These are several names of companies that lead to this person - and they all have a LOT of complaints about him. It is not known why the authorities allow him to close one company and then immediately open another...
1. Okd.by (the same entrepreneur)
2. Masterskaja.by (he's the same)
3. Okna-dveri.by (I'm not sure about that.)
On websites where you order windows from a nice operator, you are first attracted by an attractive price, and when the measurer arrives, they convince you that the price was originally set at double the amount... Then they convince you that they will do the job in two weeks, and you wait 3 months.
Some clients had to pay Shakhov TWICE because of their own carelessness.
These are not unfounded accusations and recommendations.: I am one of the many victims.
I even had to conduct my own investigation and make sure that he very cleverly draws up documents so that you don't get into trouble, but because of the negligence of customers, then throws them for money)
I won't talk about the quality of the windows installation - it's a separate canvas of text...
The windows were installed after 3 months. But I am writing this review to warn his future clients. Be vigilant, do not trust the words of the measurer, READ CAREFULLY THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IN DETAIL, even if the measurer will rush you.