Булочка бриошь, колбаска из говядины, свежий помидор, сыр чеддер, соус сырный
7 Br240 g
Хот-дог французский
Французская булочка, колбаска из говядины, кетчуп, горчичный соус
6 Br150 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
5 Br150 g
Отлично сочетаются с различными соусами, овощами или салатами, чтобы создать более полноценное и сытное блюдо (7 шт.)
I took the shawarma on Friday, at 6 o'clock there was no meat on the spit, I understand that the passability is not high, but it's Friday
As a result, it's branded, that's what it's called the worst, the chicken is dry, there was a specific hard and burnt chicken inside, it doesn't taste good.
Prices have gone up, but the quality has deteriorated, I used to go only to you, now I probably won't come in anymore and I don't advise others, get better in general
See original · Русский
Level 2 Local Expert
January 25
Sometimes we go in with my wife to get something to eat when we're too lazy to cook, and this is the closest shawarma to home. But any desire to enter this place disappears when you see a disgruntled employee. It's not the first time we've come in, and the employee (the cashier cook) doesn't even look up from his phone or even greet or get up. He will never say "thank you" or "goodbye." The last time we were in this place, it's better to walk 5 minutes and grab a snack somewhere else.
See original · Русский
Прокат А.
Level 2 Local Expert
January 29
Hello. Unfortunately, everything is sad. On 01/29/25 at around 20.50hours- this time, I bought two small classic shawarma. Dry lavash, strongly bitter cabbage or other vegetables. With grief, we ate one for dinner. We haven't even started the second one. I'll bring it to this place in the morning and we'll definitely look at what's there. Not pleasant, not tasty. Please respond to the review in writing.