Это просто мошенники, которые пытаются вытянуть из вас деньги.
Отношение отвратительное. За сутки мне позвонили и сказали, что сдали квартиру, которую я забронировал за 460azn. Пытались обмануть и сдать квартиру на 100azn больше. Трансфер у них стоит 25$, на обычном местном такси можно добраться за 5$. Поверьте, за те же деньги (даже дешевле) вы сможете найти ближе к центру Баку хорошую квартиру.
Категорически НЕ рекомендую связываться с luxe azure apartment———————————————These are just scammers trying to get money out of you.
The attitude is disgusting. A day before they called me and said that they had rented out the apartment that I had booked for 460azn. They tried to deceive us and rent out the apartment for 100azn more. Their transfer costs $25; you can get there by regular local taxi for $5. Believe me, for the same money (even cheaper) you can find a good apartment closer to the center of Baku.
I strongly DO NOT recommend contacting luxe azure apartment
Level 5 Local Expert
December 22, 2024
Even 1 star is a lot!!! I would put everything MINUS 1000000....0
We film every trip here and EVERY TIME THERE are SCANDALS at the entrance! This is the last time we stayed here!
It's a disgusting place! For this money, neither the service nor the apartments themselves match! And this is one of the best in the city?! Rules that you came up with yourself! "Daily" apartments - guests are not allowed, COURIERS are not allowed to go up.
We arrived for surgery. The guest's condition is not for constant descents to meet couriers. There are a lot of friends who stopped by to visit and they weren't allowed in until she came downstairs SICK on her own. The guest was so annoyed that she started bleeding after the operation. We dealt with the head of security. To no avail. I should have warned all the employees so that we wouldn't have any more problems. We've had 10 scandals in these 10 days!!!! And every time, it's the same as the first time.
In general, it's TERRIBLE!!!! Apart from the mat, there are no more words...🤬🤬🤬
Even 1 star is a lot!!! I would put everything MINUS 1000000....0
We film every trip here and EVERY TIME THERE are SCANDALS at the entrance! This is the last time we stayed here!
It's a disgusting place! For this money, neither the service nor the apartments themselves match! And this is one of the best in the city?! Rules that you came up with yourself! "Daily" apartments - guests are not allowed, COURIERS are not allowed to go up.
We arrived for surgery. The guest's condition is not for constant descents to meet couriers. There are a lot of friends who stopped by to visit and they weren't allowed in until she came downstairs SICK on her own. The guest was so annoyed that she started bleeding after the operation. We dealt with the head of security. To no avail. I should have warned all the employees so that we wouldn't have any more problems. We've had 10 scandals in these 10 days!!!! And every time, it's the same as the first time.
In general, it's TERRIBLE!!!! Apart from the mat, there are no more words. 🤬🤬🤬
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Айдар Манеев
Level 25 Local Expert
October 11, 2024
It's a great place. The apartment is in excellent repair. There is a shop and a pharmacy downstairs
See original · Русский
Андрей Бугай
Level 6 Local Expert
November 20, 2024
And I liked this street in Baku too!
I went everywhere with pleasure and a smile)
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Артем Зейналов
Level 18 Local Expert
September 4, 2024
A local friend rented us a two-room huge apartment there for three days at a reasonable price.
Everyone is happy