Стретчинг - растяжка всех групп мышц. Под руководством опытного инструктора не стоит бояться возвращать себе гибкость.
Стретчинг нужен всем: и тем, кто хочет похудеть, и тем, кто стремится нарастить мышцы. Ведь и те, и другие хотят выглядеть краси
15 Br
Exotic pole dance - танец на пилоне
Это танец на пилоне. Более творческое, чувственное и женственное направление, чем Pole Dance. Многие сравнивают его со стрип-пластикой на пилоне.
Здесь меньше трюков, больше движений выполняется на полу или возле пилона, подчёркивается грация и плас
15 Br
Стрип-пластика, strip plastic/ dance
Cтрип-пластика – очень артистичный и чувственный танец, раскрывающий женскую грациозность и притягательность.
На уроках девушки разогреваются, растягиваются под музыку и учат связки танца, которые можно показать любимому.
Кому стоит обучиться
Hi, my name is Zarina, I'm 30 years old!I started going to Queens Dance School on February 1.
I'm coming from Maryina Gorka
I really like everything.
These activities give me a new perspective, give me more confidence and sexuality. I really love what I do. It's my outlet, so to speak. Loads only give me an incentive to move forward and not stop.
I have a wonderful instructor, Nadia, who clearly shows and tells everything, she is very sweet and beautiful.😍Why I chose Queens I liked the halls and I was very eager to practice dancing, namely, I chose the direction of strip plastic
The only drawbacks are that an hour of classes passes quickly and that you can't study every day, but because of my job, I only travel once a week.I have classes on Thursday and Saturday, and I can only go one out of 2 days, and of course it's very frustrating, but the main thing is to move forward.🫶🏻In short Queens is cool🌹💃🏻
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Polly Arestova
Level 2 Local Expert
December 25, 2024
I've been working at Queens Studio since March 2024, got into a trial session with Natalia's stripplasty instructor, and to this day I go with great pleasure and as if on holiday!... it was real luck and love at first sight!)❤Natalia is a professional, a smart girl, an excellent teacher and a gram instructor , a wonderful choreographer and just a beauty!It fascinates with its plasticity, feline grace, smoothness and femininity. The best instructor I've ever seen! Attentive, individual approach to each girl, everything is very sincere, warm, sincere!There is a festive atmosphere in the classroom, it is so important to see and reveal the girls' grace, femininity, softness, plasticity! Natalia is a coach from God, she has a gift, a real talent for making girls better and happier!!❤️💛
Convenient location, friendly staff, discounts and bonuses - this is all Queens Dance School. ❤️💛Definitely recommend it to all girls!!!😻
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Show business's response
Anechka Kostorenko
Level 2 Local Expert
January 18
Queens is a treasure trove, it is a golden fund of charismatic and talented teachers. Initially, I wanted to go to PoleDance, the receptionist convinced me to try the Exotic dance direction, there were a lot of doubts... But I didn't regret a single second... I came for a trial and didn't want to leave anymore... The most gracious administrators of the school, the girls instructors are very attentive to their students... The material is presented very competently and clearly ... Classes are held in one go... I just want to extend the time, extend the 1.5 hours of arrival... In general, the real drive is fire-fire and frenzied energy... Warming up with Anastasia can be worse than going to the gym...Instructor Anastasia analyzes each element of the bundle in detail and puts everything on the shelves.. Every lesson is just an incredible charge of energy and positivity.. In the gym, in the locker room, and everywhere, without too much modesty, it is comfortable and clean... I want to come back here again and again... Thanks to you, Queens Dance School