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Updated: January 27
Квест "Амнезия"
Что же происходит за этой дверью? Как подружитьс я с девочкой и не стать жертвой отчима? Главное успеть…
130 Br5 pcs.
Квест "Сон"
Что же приснится вам этой ночью? Проснетесь или останетесь в вашем кошмаре навсегда? Все зависит только от вас!
130 Br5 pcs.
Квест "Последняя доставка"
Удастся ли вам раскрыть, кто виновен в этих пропажах? Закончится эта череда исчезновений, или вы просто очередная партия, зависит только от вас.
120 Br4 pcs.
Квест "Тайны Брукфилда: Пропавшие"
В городе Брукфилд творятся необъяснимые вещи. Пропадают люди. Следствие в полной растерянности. Вы, команда настоящих профессионалов, приехали сюда. Удастся ли вам понять, кто виновен? Найти все доказательства и положить конец всем этим происшеств...
150 Br5 pcs.
Квест "Судная ночь"
Мир, свободный от преступности, войн и хаоса. Утопия, ставшая реальностью, – благодаря одной единственной ночи в году, когда все преступления, включая убийство, становятся законными. В эту ночь нет полиции, нет скорой помощи, нет правил.
I will respond as an experienced entertainment and gaming event reviewer with an award for the best review.
The quest "Amnesia" is a real work of art in the world of horror quests. From the very beginning, you are immersed in an atmosphere of mystery and tension. The decoration of the space creates a creepy but fascinating entourage, making your heart beat faster.
One of the most enjoyable moments is the detailed plot. Each element of the quest is carefully thought out, and the puzzles are laid out logically and consistently, which allows players not only to feel the eeriness of what is happening, but also to fully immerse themselves in the story.
The characters and soundtrack add intrigue and dynamics. The actors involved in the game perform their roles superbly, making the participants experience real emotions of fear and surprise. The stress level is constantly increasing, and each new step becomes a real challenge.
Summing up the results at the end of the quest leaves a pleasant aftertaste and a desire to return again. In general, "Amnesia" is a quest that not only entertains, but also makes you think about your fears. I highly recommend it to all horror and mystery lovers!
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Виктория Шляхтич
Level 2 Local Expert
February 8
We went to the quest "Dream", everyone was absolutely delighted!!! Animators Diana and Lyosha perfectly created the atmosphere of the quest, and the administrator Varya was friendly and joked a lot. Thank you very much for the adrenaline rush and vivid impressions!!! We will definitely come to the same place for other quests, I advise everyone.
See original · Русский
Show business's response
Юлия Сильвер
Level 3 Local Expert
December 13, 2024
Waaaaaah! There were 6 people with children at the age of 12. 12/13/2024- Friday evening.... For the first time in my life I was on
a horror quest, I never
regretted that I chose this place.
An interesting plot, cool
acting, cool atmosphere ...
there will be many memorable moments
to tell your friends and
acquaintances about. It was fun and scary at the same time. Thanks
Thanks guys for the emotions!!!