They came to clean up after death: they removed part of the upper floor covering, where there were blood stains. The photo was sent by messenger. To my questions about the need to open the floor, they replied that nothing leaked on it and there was no need to open it. As a result of removing the entire top coat, leaks were probably found, which no one reported. After cleaning the next day, traces were found on the floor, which they tried to wipe and cover with a fragrance. Naturally, it has worn off and the smell has returned. In response to my comments about the presence of smell, everything was attributed to the closets next to it, despite the fact that there is no smell in all other parts of the apartment. The price on the website is indicated as per square meter, but in fact it turns out that they count by cubic meter. As a result, the price needs to be multiplied by at least 3. For an apartment of 33 squares, they took 600 rubles, for wiping surfaces and taking out garbage! I do not recommend contacting this service, no cleaning checks were provided