Dissatisfied people are surprised... Flying without a headache due to baggage and non-standard dimensions of hand luggage... With hot (and I must say very acceptable) meals on board! With excellent service!
For such a price, it's a gift!
The famous Russian low-cost airline, which cannot boast of all these advantages, costs more!
And when buying charter tickets, you obviously have to understand that they are not stable and have the right to reschedule the flight, which means you have to track your departure yourself. If it is essential to fly out at a certain time, it is worth overpaying and choosing a regular schedule!
We flew with our family in June, now we have taken a ticket again.
Pros: price, 20kg luggage, hand luggage of standard dimensions, attitude of staff on board, boarding and disembarking through the sleeve, hot meals. I would also attribute the antiquity of the aircraft to the advantages, because previously they did not try to cram as many seats as possible into the plane, from here the old chairs are more convenient - they recline, wider and legroom is slightly more than in modern "aeromarkets"
Of the minuses:
Old planes (from the late 90s - 00s), boarding gate at the very end of a huge new airport.... After the inspection, we went there with a suitcase for about 30 minutes...(they didn't walk slowly)
See original · Русский
mailer *.
Level 13 Local Expert
November 29, 2023
They fly all over Europe as low-cost airlines, they fly to Moscow from Istanbul by charters from Anex Tour 3 times a week on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays (the next day back), but there are also tickets on free sale. The crew speaks Turkish and English, and standard in-flight announcements are also broadcast in Russian. The planes are a little tired, but everything works, nothing is broken, seats were occupied by 99% in both directions, which is quite understandable at such prices. The fare includes 20 kg of luggage, hand luggage is not checked particularly and everything is quite loyal. The price tag for tickets before departure is comparable to Winning a sale, but you don't have to pay anything extra, luggage and hot meals are also included in the fare. At the same time, the duration of the flight to Istanbul compared to Russian airlines is one hour less and is 3.5 hours of net time from takeoff to landing. In Vnukovo, planes are served to the sleeve, which is very convenient, especially in the cold season, which, unfortunately, lasts almost 9 months a year. Buses are being adjusted at the new Istanbul airport, but this is understandable, because the airport is huge. There are a lot of buses being driven at once and there is no crush, they do not wait until everyone is stuffed like herrings in a jar. During the flight, they offer a hot dinner (chicken, or pork with rice) - chicken tastes better in my opinion, I tried both options and everything is very edible. Alcohol is also offered for a fee (I saw wine and beer on the trolley during the flight), tea and coffee after a hot meal are also included in the service. In general, I am very happy for the money that I paid (at the end of November 2023. 5000 rubles. Moscow-Istanbul and 9500 rubles back). I highly recommend it!
See original · Русский
Таня У.
Level 4 Local Expert
August 19, 2023
Летали из внуково в стамбул и обратно. В стамбул прилетели отлично, рейс не задерживали, летели 3,5 часа, За это время стюардессы отлично обслуживали рейс, кормили очень вкусно, не смотря на то, что многие жалуются, что самолеты старые - не заметила никакой разницы с новыми: все работает, сиденья в целом удобные. Багаж 20 кг.
Однако, обратный перелет прошел не так гладко - со стороны авиакомпании все отлично, рейс, опять же, не задержали, но во время нашего рейса в Москве был сбит беспилотник, поэтому все московские аэропорты были закрыты и мы были вынуждены сесть в Минске 😂 Просидели в самолете еще 2 часа, пока самолет заправлялся и мы ждали разрешение на полет и на посадку. В это время стюардессы разливали воду и в целом хорошо шли на контакт в такой необычной ситуации. В итоге еще за 40 минут мы все-таки долетели до Внуково. Вот такой был необычный рейс, включающий в себя два полета, вместо одного и не за 3,5-4 часа, а за 9 😄
Хочу также отметить, что я аэрофоб, начитавшись негативных отзывов о возрасте самолета мне стало еще страшнее. Но, уверяю Вас, самолеты в летном состоянии и если вы и так часто летаете бюджетными авиакомпаниями, то особой разницы не заметите.
Единственный несущественный минус, который бы я отметила - это не очень удобные рейсы по времени: туда летели в 18:40 и прилетели к 22.30, обратно в 23:55 аж.