Good afternoon, everyone. I want to leave a negative review about the act of a taxi driver in the city of Orsha. An elderly man, poorly walking, untidily dressed, as the taxi driver put it, refused to take a person home, responding that who would wash the car after such a fellow traveler?? But our city is small and we clearly know this person, he has mental problems, for what reasons it will not be indicated here. I called him a taxi myself, because the man does not have a mobile phone. What should such people do if the bus stop is very far away for a sick person? There is no way to get there on your own...He had the money with him. I am outraged-this is an understatement, we all walk under God and it is unknown what can happen to us today, we need to be kinder to people. Should an ambulance also not help a person if he looks homeless?? Moreover, there was money, and no one asked for humanitarian assistance. Taxi white Volkswagen, Orsha city. Of course, I don't want the taxi driver to be fired, but I want the management not to give their subordinates such instructions not to take people who don't look like everyone else((
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Anonymous review
November 6, 2018
I constantly use taxi services 107. Everything is fine. Polite dispatchers, experienced drivers, the car arrives quickly. And the prices are good. And if you order through the Mr. Taxi app, which is very convenient in itself, it turns out even cheaper.