Лаваш, говядина, сыр моцарелла, помидоры, фирменный соус
3700 ₸380 g
Донер с сыром моцарелла куриный
Лаваш, филе цыпленка, помидоры, сыр моцарелла, фирменный соус
3400 ₸380 g
Донер фирменный с говядиной
3400 ₸360 g
Донер фирменный с курицей
3100 ₸360 g
Картофель фри
Представляет собой тонко нарезанный картофель, обжаренный в масле до золотистой корочки. Это блюдо известно своими хрустящими палочками снаружи и мягкой текстурой внутри
1100 ₸150 g
Освежающий газированный напиток
700 ₸500 ml
Кисломолочный напиток на основе тураха, катыка или разновидность кефира
The portions are huge, the doner is excellent. The prices are not small by Russian and Cypriot standards either, but this shawarma is worth it. I liked that the cafe itself is very cozy, with good repair, upholstered chairs, fast Wi-Fi.
See original · Русский
Тамара Животова
Level 5 Local Expert
January 30
There is an unreal smell of food in the doner, all the clothes stink 😪
Among the advantages are
the doners themselves, they are simply divine, exclusive, original sauces, everything is sooo delicious!
Friendly staff 🤍
See original · Русский
Тимур Абилов
Level 21 Local Expert
February 8, 2024
The doner is delicious. The service is good. There is no caspi terminal for payment. This is a minus. The doner itself is not very big. It's also a minus. Doneo is put in a container, very convenient, also cool. Well done. The access roads are blocked by the barrier of the residential complex, this is a minus. In winter, at least you can drop by in the snow.